Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Little update

Today I did a little update. Some 100 new performances (too few to make an update file) and some small changes to the website.

I deleted the vote section. Nobody used it and I had the impression that it discouraged people from using favorite lists.

I noticed that the link to this blog in the menu is wrong. I repaired it for a few pages. The rest will have to wait for the next update.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Moved to a new server

I have moved to a new hosting provider: Bluehost. I had once again walked into the overcomplicated way things are implemented at GoDaddy and wasted a day with it. So enough was enough and I moved to the account where I already had hosted OpusFinder. I hope everything keeps working as it did. If you find problems please let me know.

The menubar on Classic Cat keeps puzzling me. Sometimes it nicely fits in and sometimes it starts in the middle of page and wraps around. If there is any html-guru around who understands it I will be happy to hear from him.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Random favorites

Some users have now started to make a favorite list. So I took the opportunity to make them visible with the "Random Favorites" list that can now be seen at the right side on the home page. After the next update it or something similar will be on other pages as well.

I can't spend much time on the website at the moment as I need to find some new sources of income. But I have still quite a few plans around those Favorite Lists.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

User registration and favorite lists

Most people like Classic Cat, but there are complaints too. These usually center on the quality. Some of the linked music is very good, but some not.

As I cannot check all the music myself and I have to consider abuse when introducing a voting system I have long been stuck on this. In the end I came up with a special kind of voting: the favorite lists.

If you look at this page you will see how it is supposed to work. If you click on "A favorite for 1 member" you will see a list with (in this case) one link that leads to the favorite list that contains this performance as a favorite. On the list-page you can click on the owner name and then you see the owner-page. As you will see these are test data. But it will give you an impression how it works.

I have the option now a few days online. There were some initial troubles and a few things still have to be repaired (most important: the link for password forgotten doesn't work yet; mail me if you really forgot it). Also there are several additions planned to make the favorite list experience more complete. But my biggest problem is that - although some 40 people have registered by now - nobody has chosen a favorite yet.

So I am a bit puzzled what to do next.

New: a Classic Cat blog


Welcome on the blog about my Classic Cat website.

With this blog I want to tell something about what is going on behind the screens of the website. Your comments are very welcome.

Wim Roffel